Take Action
Please let legislators know increased funding for Title II under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act will greatly enhance our hard work in the field as we seek to educate and elevate adult education.
The Coalition on Adult Basic Education’s Legislation Center offers a Take Action Center where you can sign and view petitions and campaigns, sign up for advocacy alerts and newsletters and download adult education talking points and a media toolkit.
Click the logo to find out more to discover and take action now.
$330 billion to be cut from Education and Workforce Committee
The House Committee on Education and Workforce was directed to cut $330 billion in 10 years. These cuts can critically harm adult education for years into the future.
We need to ACT NOW and make all our voices heard. Please use the script below to call or email your senators and house representative. These actions are important even if you know your representative agrees with this stance. Hearing directly from constituents reinforces that education is a priority of the people and our communication will help strengthen their position when advocating to colleagues and pushing for action.
Senator Tim Kaine – (202) 224-4024 | Email Here
Senator Mark Warner – (202) 224-2023 | Email Here
Find Your VA Representative: Who is my rep?
Download the 5 Calls app and use our script.
Tell your representatives that Adult Education depends on the federal Department of Education. Keep it strong! Make your voice heard today.
Let’s support education together –
Rebecca Scott and Andrea Clements
VAACE Advocacy Committee
Hi, my name is (NAME) and I’m a constituent from (County______ or City_____).
I support the work of Adult Education and I am calling to support the U S Department of Education. I strongly urge (Senator________ or Congressman ______) to oppose any efforts to abolish the Department of Education.
· Eliminating or shrinking the department would jeopardize adults who are trying to finish high school, enter college or training, and earn higher wages.
· It would destabilize the workforce and undermine employers who need essential workers, such as language learners, to boost our economy.
Adult education services bring financial stability to families and communities all across Virginia. Please support this work in the U.S. Department of Education.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
(If you leave a voicemail please, include your full street address to ensure your call is counted. EVERY CALL AND EMAIL COUNTS.)
Act Now!
We need your voice to protect the future of adult education. Contact your congressional representatives today and urge them to support the federal Department of Education. Let them know adult and continuing education thrives because of strong state and federal support.